Mac Os Using Microsoft.plist To Get License Key
2016-3-2 Microsoft Application Insights SDK for OS X. Contribute to microsoft/ApplicationInsights-OSX development by creating an account on GitHub. Microsoft Application Insights SDK for OS X. Contribute to microsoft/ApplicationInsights-OSX development by creating an account on GitHub. Mac running the latest version of OS X; Get the latest Xcode. Find a key in a plist and save its value in MacOS. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 5 months ago. Safari (Mac OS X) - Custom extension (or script) with no key / no.
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本主题介绍如何通过 Intune 部署 Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac。This topic describes how to deploy Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac through Intune.成功的部署需要完成以下所有步骤:A successful deployment requires the completion of all of the following steps:
先决条件和系统要求Prerequisites and system requirements
开始之前,请参阅主 Microsoft DEFENDER ATP For Mac 页面,了解适用于当前软件版本的先决条件和系统要求的描述。Before you get started, see the main Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac page for a description of prerequisites and system requirements for the current software version.
下载安装和加入软件包Download installation and onboarding packages
从 Microsoft Defender 安全中心下载安装和加入软件包:Download the installation and onboarding packages from Microsoft Defender Security Center:
在 Microsoft Defender 安全中心中,转到 '设置 > 设备管理 > '加入。In Microsoft Defender Security Center, go to Settings > Device Management > Onboarding.
I have used Office for Windows for years and just switched to the Mac and installed Office 2011 earlier this week. Microsoft office reminders mac not working. I was able to import my old.pst file and can see my calendar items. Reminders worked for a few days, but now events on my calendar witha reminder selected and indicated by a bell icon are not popping up on the Office Reminders window.
在页面的第1节中,将操作系统设置为Linux、macOS、iOS 或 Android ,并将部署方法设置为移动设备管理/Microsoft Intune。In Section 1 of the page, set the operating system to Linux, macOS, iOS, or Android and the deployment method to Mobile Device Management / Microsoft Intune.
在页面的第2部分中,选择 '下载安装包'。In Section 2 of the page, select Download installation package.将其作为_wdav_保存到本地目录。Save it as wdav.pkg to a local directory.
在页面的第2节中,选择 '下载加入程序包'。In Section 2 of the page, select Download onboarding package.将其作为_WindowsDefenderATPOnboardingPackage_保存到同一目录。Save it as to the same directory.
从****下载 IntuneAppUtil。Download IntuneAppUtil from Excel shortcut list.
从命令提示符处,验证是否有三个文件。From a command prompt, verify that you have the three files.提取 .zip 文件的内容:Extract the contents of the .zip files:
将 IntuneAppUtil 设置为可执行文件:Make IntuneAppUtil an executable:
从 wdav 创建 installer.pkg intunemac 程序包 wdav:Create the wdav.pkg.intunemac package from wdav.pkg:
客户端设备设置Client device setup
除了标准公司门户安装之外,不需要 Mac 设备的特殊预配。You need no special provisioning for a Mac device beyond a standard Company Portal installation.
系统将要求您确认设备管理。You are asked to confirm device management.
选择 '打开系统首选项',在列表中找到管理配置文件,然后选择 '批准 ..'。你的管理配置文件将显示为 '已验证':Select Open System Preferences, locate Management Profile on the list, and select Approve... Your Management Profile would be displayed as Verified:
选择 '继续' 并完成注册。Select Continue and complete the enrollment.
您现在可以注册更多设备。You may now enroll more devices.你还可以在完成预配系统配置和应用程序包后,稍后注册它们。You can also enroll them later, after you have finished provisioning system configuration and application packages.
在 Intune 中,打开 '管理 > 设备 > 所有设备'。In Intune, open Manage > Devices > All devices.在这里,你可以在以下列出的设备上查看:Here you can see your device among those listed:
What I like: the keys are nice and deep keys rather than shallow laptop keys. Nevertheless at a new office I suffered sporadic typing lag, I suspect due to Bluetooth interference. That was the most comfortable keyboard I've ever typed on. Thus I wanted to replace it with a wired keyboard.This keyboard is an improvement in many ways, but not in all. Submitted on Review title of MatthewReplacement for Sculpt Ergonomic KeyboardI bought this Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard to replace a Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard which I used profesionally for about the last three years. Microsoft sculpt ergonomic keyboard mac software.
创建系统配置文件Create System Configuration profiles
在 Intune 中,打开 '管理 > 设备配置'。In Intune, open Manage > Device configuration.选择 '管理 > 配置文件 > '创建配置文件。Select Manage > Profiles > Create Profile.
选择配置文件的名称。Choose a name for the profile.将平台 = macOS更改为 '配置文件类型 = 自定义'。Change Platform=macOS to Profile type=Custom.选择 '配置'。Select Configure.
打开配置文件并上传 intune/kext。Open the configuration profile and upload intune/kext.xml.此文件是在前面的其中一个分区中创建的。This file was created in one of the preceding sections.
选择“确定”****。Select OK.
选择 '管理 > 作业'。Select Manage > Assignments.在 '包括' 选项卡中,选择 '分配给所有用户 & 所有设备'。In the Include tab, select Assign to All Users & All devices.
对更多配置文件重复步骤1到5。Repeat steps 1 through 5 for more profiles.
创建另一个配置文件,为其命名,然后上传 intune/WindowsDefenderATPOnboarding 文件。Create another profile, give it a name, and upload the intune/WindowsDefenderATPOnboarding.xml file.
创建包含以下内容的 tcc 文件。Create tcc.xml file with content below.创建另一个配置文件,为其指定名称并将此文件上传给它。Create another profile, give it any name and upload this file to it.
macOS 10.15 (Catalina)包含新的安全和隐私增强功能。macOS 10.15 (Catalina) contains new security and privacy enhancements.从本版本开始,默认情况下,应用程序无法访问磁盘上的某些位置(如文档、下载、桌面等)而无需明确同意。Beginning with this version, by default, applications are not able to access certain locations on disk (such as Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc.) without explicit consent.如果没有此同意,Microsoft Defender ATP 将无法完全保护你的设备。In the absence of this consent, Microsoft Defender ATP is not able to fully protect your device.
以下配置文件授予对 Microsoft Defender ATP 的完全磁盘访问权限。The following configuration profile grants Full Disk Access to Microsoft Defender ATP.如果以前已通过 Intune 配置了 Microsoft Defender ATP,我们建议你使用此配置文件更新部署。If you previously configured Microsoft Defender ATP through Intune, we recommend you update the deployment with this configuration profile.
若要在 macOS 10.15 (Catalina)上的 UI 中以白名单自动更新显示通知,请将以下. mobileconfig 作为自定义负载导入:To whitelist Defender and Auto Update for displaying notifications in UI on macOS 10.15 (Catalina), import the following .mobileconfig as a custom payload:
选择 '管理 > 作业'。Select Manage > Assignments.在 '包括' 选项卡中,选择 '分配给所有用户 & 所有设备'。In the Include tab, select Assign to All Users & All devices.
当 Intune 更改传播到已注册的设备后,您可以在 '监视 > 设备状态' 下看到它们列出:Once the Intune changes are propagated to the enrolled devices, you can see them listed under Monitor > Device status:
Mac Os Using Microsoft.plist To Get License Key Free
发布应用程序Publish application
在 Intune 中,打开 '管理 > 客户端应用' 边栏。In Intune, open the Manage > Client apps blade.选择 '应用' > '添加'。Select Apps > Add.
选择应用类型 = 其他/业务线应用。Select App type=Other/Line-of-business app.
选择 '文件 = wdav'。 installer.pkg。Select file=wdav.pkg.intunemac.选择 '确定' 进行上载。Select OK to upload.
选择 '配置',然后添加所需的信息。Select Configure and add the required information.
将MacOS 高的塞拉利昂 10.13用作最低操作系统。Use macOS High Sierra 10.13 as the minimum OS.
将 '忽略应用版本' 设置为 '是'。Set Ignore app version to Yes.其他设置可以是任意值。Other settings can be any arbitrary value. When that completes restart you system and test.Before moving on to something else.
将 '忽略应用版本' 设置为 '不会影响应用程序通过 Microsoft 自动更新接收更新的能力'。Setting Ignore app version to No impacts the ability of the application to receive updates through Microsoft AutoUpdate.如果由 Intune 上载的版本低于设备上的版本,则将安装较低版本,从而有效地将 Defender 降级。If the version uploaded by Intune is lower than the version on the device, then the lower version will be installed, effectively downgrading Defender.这可能会导致不起作用的应用程序。This could result in a non-functioning application.有关如何更新产品的其他信息,请参阅部署 Microsoft DEFENDER ATP For Mac 的更新。See Deploy updates for Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac for additional information about how the product is updated.如果你将 '忽略应用' 版本设置为 '否' 的已部署 Defender,请将其更改为 '是'。If you deployed Defender with Ignore app version set to No, please change it to Yes.如果无法在客户端计算机上安装 Defender,请卸载 Defender 并推送已更新的策略。If Defender still cannot be installed on a client machine, then uninstall Defender and push the updated policy.
选择 '确定' ,然后选择 '添加'。Select OK and Add.
可能需要几分钟才能上载程序包。It may take a few moments to upload the package.完成后,从列表中选择程序包,然后转到 '作业' 和 '添加组'。After it's done, select the package from the list and go to Assignments and Add group.
将作业类型更改为必需。Change Assignment type to Required.
选择 '包含的组'。Select Included Groups.选择 '使所有设备都需要此应用' = '是'。Select Make this app required for all devices=Yes.单击 '选择要包含的组',然后添加一个组,其中包含要确定目标的用户。Click Select group to include and add a group that contains the users you want to target.选择 '确定' ,然后单击 '保存'。Select OK and Save.
在一段时间后,应用程序将发布到所有注册设备。After some time the application will be published to all enrolled devices.你可以在 '设备安装状态' 下看到 '监视器 > 设备' 中列出它:You can see it listed in Monitor > Device, under Device install status:
验证客户端设备状态Verify client device state
Mac Os Using Microsoft.plist To Get License Key For Voicemod
配置文件部署到你的设备后,打开 Mac 设备上的系统首选项 > 配置文件。After the configuration profiles are deployed to your devices, open System Preferences > Profiles on your Mac device.
验证以下配置配置文件是否存在并已安装。Verify that the following configuration profiles are present and installed.管理配置文件应该是 Intune 系统配置文件。The Management Profile should be the Intune system profile._Wdav-config_和_Wdav-Kext_是在 Intune 中添加的系统配置文件屏幕![截图:配置文件屏幕截图Wdav-config and wdav-kext are system configuration profiles that were added in Intune:
您还应该在右上角看到 'Microsoft Defender' 图标:You should also see the Microsoft Defender icon in the top-right corner:
问题:未找到许可证Issue: No license found
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解决方案:按照上面的步骤使用 WindowsDefenderATPOnboarding 创建设备配置文件Solution: Follow the steps above to create a device profile using WindowsDefenderATPOnboarding.xml
记录安装问题Logging installation issues
有关如何查找在出现错误时由安装程序创建的自动生成的日志的详细信息,请参阅记录安装问题。For more information on how to find the automatically generated log that is created by the installer when an error occurs, see Logging installation issues . How to find microsoft office product key in mac.
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有关如何从客户端设备中删除 Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac 的详细信息,请参阅卸载。See Uninstalling for details on how to remove Microsoft Defender ATP for Mac from client devices.