Download Microsoft Word Fonts For Mac
The best website for free high-quality Word fonts, with 29 free Word fonts for immediate download, and 112 professional Word fonts for the best price on the Web.
Abadi MT |
Minion Web |
Agency FB |
Aharoni Bold |
Aldhabi |
Algerian |
Almanac MT |
American Uncial |
Andale Mono |
Andalus |
Andy |
AngsanaUPC |
Angsana New |
Aparajita |
Arabic Transparent |
Arabic Typesetting |
Arial |
Arial Black |
Arial Narrow |
Arial Narrow Special |
Arial Rounded MT |
Arial Special |
Arial Unicode MS |
Augsburger Initials |
Avenir Next LT Pro |
Bahnschrift |
Baskerville Old Face |
Batang & BatangChe |
Bauhaus 93 |
Beesknees ITC |
Bell MT |
Berlin Sans FB |
Bernard MT Condensed |
Bickley Script |
Blackadder ITC |
Bodoni MT |
Bodoni MT Condensed |
Bon Apetit MT |
Bookman Old Style |
Bookshelf Symbol |
Book Antiqua |
Bradley Hand ITC |
Braggadocio |
BriemScript |
Britannic Bold |
Broadway |
BrowalliaUPC |
Browallia New |
Brush Script MT |
Calibri |
Californian FB |
Calisto MT |
Cambria |
Cambria Math |
Candara |
Cariadings |
Castellar |
Centaur |
Century |
Century Gothic |
Century Schoolbook |
Chiller |
Colonna MT |
Comic Sans MS |
Consolas |
Constantia |
Contemporary Brush |
Cooper Black |
Copperplate Gothic |
Corbel |
CordiaUPC |
Cordia New |
Courier New |
Curlz MT |
DaunPenh |
David |
Desdemona |
DFKai-SB |
DilleniaUPC |
Directions MT |
DokChampa |
Dotum & DotumChe |
Ebrima |
Eckmann |
Edda |
Edwardian Script ITC |
Elephant |
Engravers MT |
Enviro |
Eras ITC |
Estrangelo Edessa |
EucrosiaUPC |
Euphemia |
Eurostile |
FangSong |
Felix Titling |
Fine Hand |
Fixed Miriam Transparent |
Flexure |
Footlight MT |
Forte |
Franklin Gothic |
Franklin Gothic Medium |
FrankRuehl |
FreesiaUPC |
Freestyle Script |
French Script MT |
Futura |
Gabriola |
Gadugi |
Garamond |
Garamond MT |
Gautami |
Georgia |
Georgia Ref |
Gigi |
Gill Sans MT |
Gill Sans MT Condensed |
Gisha |
Gloucester |
Goudy Old Style |
Goudy Stout |
Gradl |
Gulim & GulimChe |
Gungsuh & GungsuhChe |
Hadassah Friedlaender |
Haettenschweiler |
Harlow Solid Italic |
Harrington |
High Tower Text |
Holidays MT |
HoloLens MDL2 Assets |
Impact |
Imprint MT Shadow |
Informal Roman |
IrisUPC |
Iskoola Pota |
JasmineUPC |
Javanese Text |
Jokerman |
Juice ITC |
KaiTi |
Kalinga |
Kartika |
Keystrokes MT |
Khmer UI |
Kino MT |
KodchiangUPC |
Kokila |
Kristen ITC |
Kunstler Script |
Lao UI |
Latha |
Leelawadee |
Levenim MT |
LilyUPC |
Lucida Blackletter |
Lucida Bright |
Lucida Bright Math |
Lucida Calligraphy |
Lucida Console |
Lucida Fax |
Lucida Handwriting |
Lucida Sans |
Lucida Sans Typewriter |
Lucida Sans Unicode |
Magneto |
Maiandra GD |
Malgun Gothic |
Mangal |
Map Symbols |
Marlett |
Matisse ITC |
Matura MT Script Capitals |
McZee |
Mead Bold |
Meiryo |
Mercurius Script MT Bold |
Microsoft Himalaya |
Microsoft JhengHei |
Microsoft JhengHei UI |
Microsoft New Tai Lue |
Microsoft PhagsPa |
Microsoft Sans Serif |
Microsoft Tai Le |
Microsoft Uighur |
Microsoft YaHei |
Microsoft YaHei UI |
Microsoft Yi Baiti |
MingLiU |
MingLiU-ExtB |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB |
Minion Web |
Miriam |
Miriam Fixed |
Mistral |
Modern No. 20 |
Mongolian Baiti | |
Monotype Corsiva |
Monotype Sorts |
MoolBoran |
MS Gothic |
MS LineDraw |
MS Mincho |
MS Outlook |
MS PGothic |
MS PMincho |
MS Reference |
MS UI Gothic |
MT Extra |
MV Boli |
Myanmar Text |
Narkisim |
News Gothic MT |
New Caledonia |
Niagara |
Nirmala UI |
Nyala |
OCR-B-Digits |
OCR A Extended |
Old English Text MT |
Onyx |
Palace Script MT |
Palatino Linotype |
Papyrus |
Parade |
Parchment |
Parties MT |
Peignot Medium |
Pepita MT |
Perpetua |
Perpetua Titling MT |
Placard Condensed |
Plantagenet Cherokee |
Playbill |
PMingLiU |
PMingLiU-ExtB |
Poor Richard |
Pristina |
|Quire Sans| |
Raavi |
Rage Italic |
Ransom |
Ravie |
RefSpecialty |
Rockwell |
Rockwell Nova |
Rod |
Runic MT Condensed |
Sabon Next LT |
Sagona |
Sakkal Majalla |
Script MT Bold |
Segoe Chess |
Segoe Print |
Segoe Script |
Segoe UI |
Segoe UI Symbol |
Selawik |
Shonar Bangla |
Showcard Gothic |
Shruti |
Signs MT |
SimHei |
Simplified Arabic Fixed |
SimSun |
SimSun-ExtB |
Sitka |
NSimSun |
Snap ITC |
Sports MT |
Stencil |
Stop |
Sylfaen |
Symbol |
Tahoma |
Tempo Grunge |
Tempus Sans ITC |
Temp Installer Font |
Times New Roman |
Times New Roman Special |
Traditional Arabic |
Transport MT |
Trebuchet MS |
Tunga |
Tw Cen MT |
Univers |
Urdu Typesetting |
Utsaah |
Vacation MT |
Vani |
Verdana |
Verdana Ref |
Vijaya |
Viner Hand ITC |
Vivaldi |
Vixar ASCI |
Vladimir Script |
Vrinda |
Walbaum |
Webdings |
Westminster |
Wide Latin |
Wingdings |
Font Book User Guide
To use fonts in your apps, you need to install the fonts using Font Book. When you’re installing fonts, Font Book lists any problems it finds for you to review. You can also validate fonts later.
Install fonts
You can install fonts from a location on your Mac (or a network you’re connected to), or download additional system fonts right in the Font Book window. Fonts that you can download are dimmed in the font list.
In the Font Book app on your Mac, do any of the following:
Install fonts from your Mac or network: Click the Add button in the Font Book toolbar, locate and select the font, then click Open.
Tip: To quickly install a font, you can also drag the font file to the Font Book app icon, or double-click the font file in the Finder, then click Install Font in the dialog that appears.
Download additional system fonts: Click All Fonts in the sidebar on the left, then select a dimmed font family or one or more styles. Click Download in the preview pane, then click Download in the dialog that appears.
If the preview pane isn’t shown, choose View > Show Preview. If you don’t see a Download button, switch to another preview type (the Download button isn’t available in the Information preview). For more about the preview pane, see View and print fonts.
All fonts you install or download appear in Font Book, and are available to use in your apps.
The fonts you install are available just to you, or to anyone who uses your computer, depending on what you set as the default location for installed fonts. For more information about setting the default location, see Change Font Book preferences.
Validate fonts
When you install a font, it’s automatically validated or checked for errors. You can also validate fonts after installation if the font isn’t displayed correctly or if a document won’t open because of a corrupt font.
In the Font Book app on your Mac, select a font, then choose File > Validate Font.
In the Font Validation window, click the disclosure triangle next to a font to review it.
A green icon indicates the font passed, a yellow icon indicates a warning, and a red icon indicates it failed.
To resolve font warnings or errors, select the checkbox next to a font, then click Install Checked or Remove Checked.
Tip: To find warnings or errors in a long list of fonts, click the pop-up menu at the top-left corner of the Font Validation window, then choose Warnings and Errors.
Resolve duplicate fonts
If a font has a duplicate, it has a yellow warning symbol next to it in the list of fonts.
In the Font Book app on your Mac, choose Edit > Look for Enabled Duplicates.
Click an option:
Resolve Automatically: Font Book disables or moves duplicates to the Trash, as set in Font Book preferences.
Resolve Manually: Continue to the next step to review and handle duplicates yourself.
Examine the duplicates and their copies, then select a copy to keep.
The copy that Font Book recommends keeping is labeled “Active copy” and is selected. To review other copies, select one.
Resolve the current duplicate or, if there is more than one, all duplicates.
If you want the inactive copies to go in the Trash, select “Resolve duplicates by moving duplicate font files to the Trash.”
Download Microsoft Word Fonts For Mac Free
If you can’t resolve font problems, go to the Apple Support website.